Heroin addiction is blamed on human weakness and social problems and addicts are labeled as criminals. But it is now known that some humans suffer from a lack of natural opiates in the brain, which causes them to seek the illegal remedy of heroin. They are not really criminals; they just need medical supplements. Unfortunately, our lack of awareness sees heroin only as a moral issue, so the long-term solution to addiction, like a DMT (dimethyltryptomine), or a morphine supplement taken daily, is not allowed in our society. I don’t mean methadone that is sometimes prescribed, as a heroin substitute after a person is addicted, but a supplement that is given those that have an on-going opiate deficiency in their system, before they become addicted. It makes me sad because almost all our psychological pain is treatable and yet many of the treatments are forbidden to us. It is known that that one drink of the African, tribal medicine ibogaine (see below), cures heroin addiction, as does the Brazilian ayahuasca (see below), except with ayahuasca you need about three drinks of about 100mLs over a period of a week or so. Why these remedies work is because both are high in DMT, which is stored in the pineal and dominates your moods. Westerners are massively depleted of DMT through fat-rich diets and stressful lifestyles, which is why depression is endemic in our society. Replacing lost DMT in your brain cures depression and it also grants you a heightened perception that has been sadly lost to many over the years. It automatically connects you to life and other humans. Empathy returns and the ego’s sense of separation and fear fall away because it is unnatural. Once you replace the missing DMT in your brain a natural joy returns to your life and it remains for a long time, many years usually. It’s the lack of DMT in the pineal that causes fear, anger, separation and hatred. All the world’s ills can be placed at the doorstep of the ego-mind and that ego-mind in the western world is made into a god, but in fact, it has become a demon through DMT starvation-sad but true. But times are changing and there is now more official research into these ancient, tribal remedies, which in the end will help humanity enormously. The only problem with this path is the difficulty in finding your way onto it. If your not either wealthy enough to travel outside of the U.S. or lucky enough to live near a place where this treatment is offered then your only remaining option is to acquire the medicine yourself & self administer. If your going to try the do it yourself method make sure to have someone you trust to watch over you and who can take you to the hospital if the need should arise. The major problem with the Do-It-Yourself method is getting access to the medicine... These are not compounds you can buy from your local neighborhood weed man. If I were going to acquire one of these substances I would use the DNM (Dark Net Market) If you don't know what that is or how to use it but are interested in going this route leave a comment and if I get enough requests I'll post a step by step on getting setup to start making purchases. Namaste -->
Showing posts with label withdrawal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label withdrawal. Show all posts
Monday, July 11, 2016
Ibogaine / Ayahuasca / DMT
By Unknown
July 11, 2016
withdrawal symptoms
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Heroin addiction is blamed on human weakness and social problems and addicts are labeled as criminals. But it is now known that some humans suffer from a lack of natural opiates in the brain, which causes them to seek the illegal remedy of heroin. They are not really criminals; they just need medical supplements. Unfortunately, our lack of awareness sees heroin only as a moral issue, so the long-term solution to addiction, like a DMT (dimethyltryptomine), or a morphine supplement taken daily, is not allowed in our society. I don’t mean methadone that is sometimes prescribed, as a heroin substitute after a person is addicted, but a supplement that is given those that have an on-going opiate deficiency in their system, before they become addicted. It makes me sad because almost all our psychological pain is treatable and yet many of the treatments are forbidden to us. It is known that that one drink of the African, tribal medicine ibogaine (see below), cures heroin addiction, as does the Brazilian ayahuasca (see below), except with ayahuasca you need about three drinks of about 100mLs over a period of a week or so. Why these remedies work is because both are high in DMT, which is stored in the pineal and dominates your moods. Westerners are massively depleted of DMT through fat-rich diets and stressful lifestyles, which is why depression is endemic in our society. Replacing lost DMT in your brain cures depression and it also grants you a heightened perception that has been sadly lost to many over the years. It automatically connects you to life and other humans. Empathy returns and the ego’s sense of separation and fear fall away because it is unnatural. Once you replace the missing DMT in your brain a natural joy returns to your life and it remains for a long time, many years usually. It’s the lack of DMT in the pineal that causes fear, anger, separation and hatred. All the world’s ills can be placed at the doorstep of the ego-mind and that ego-mind in the western world is made into a god, but in fact, it has become a demon through DMT starvation-sad but true. But times are changing and there is now more official research into these ancient, tribal remedies, which in the end will help humanity enormously. The only problem with this path is the difficulty in finding your way onto it. If your not either wealthy enough to travel outside of the U.S. or lucky enough to live near a place where this treatment is offered then your only remaining option is to acquire the medicine yourself & self administer. If your going to try the do it yourself method make sure to have someone you trust to watch over you and who can take you to the hospital if the need should arise. The major problem with the Do-It-Yourself method is getting access to the medicine... These are not compounds you can buy from your local neighborhood weed man. If I were going to acquire one of these substances I would use the DNM (Dark Net Market) If you don't know what that is or how to use it but are interested in going this route leave a comment and if I get enough requests I'll post a step by step on getting setup to start making purchases. Namaste -->
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Gabapentin - The miracle drug

--> Gabapentin was initially synthesized to mimic the chemical structure of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), but is not believed to act on the same brain receptors. The mechanism of action that leads to its rapid analgesic effect is simply unknown.
So now that you know a little bit about Gabapentin let me tell you how this drug can save you from the worst part of opiate withdrawals (being the first three days) Gabapentin when taken at high doses (1800 mg - 3600 mg) will completely take away the discomfort of withdrawals. The only problem with the drug is you build up a tolerance fast. On the first day start with 1800 mg, the second day 2400 mg and on the third day 3600 mg. After the third day gabapentin will do you no good. Not only does it help with withdrawals but it makes you feel good, more social, lights seem brighter, basically it's a good time. Gabapentin is prescribed a lot for a lot of off label uses (uses not approved by the FDA) originally gabapentin was prescribed for seizures and later for nerve pain but is now prescribed for everything from bi-polar disorder to migraine relief. Doctors have no problem prescribing this drug because it is non-narcotic so if you ask your doctor for it to help with withdrawals he'll probably give it to you or you could always tell him your having migraines. Other than that you might very well know someone that is already prescribed it and get some from them (taking other peoples meds is illegal and you do it at your own risk)