Showing posts with label opium addiction treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opium addiction treatment. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Pain Free Heroin Addiction


Pain-Free Heroin (Opiate) Addiction

Never again suffer through Unnecessary Opiate Withdrawals!!

Loperamide Withdrawal Cure

(This Information is for Educational purposes only and the author of this blog accepts no liability for any harm to ones health or any legal trouble that acting on this blogs info might cause you. Always check with a doctor before making any health choices and don't break laws)

  So to begin with my name is Michael and I've been an opiate addict for 15+ years. Very few of those 15+ years I would describe as pain free from physical pain or mental anguish caused from not having access to enough opiates or enough cash to obtain said opiates. That is until just recently I have been able to take my knowledge of what OTC and RX meds can help to rid oneself of opiate withdrawals and combine all those meds into a working regimen or schedule that can not only guarantee you can remain an opiate addict without worrying about withdrawals but will also help you afford your opiates of choice without having an actual job or an illegal hustle (For the most part). What follows is a list of OTC & RX medications one will need in order to successfully manage a pain / withdrawal free opiate addiction / habit.
  • Suboxone or Subutex Perscription. This is a key ingredient and is becoming easier and easier to obtain. If you need help on how to obtain a legit script or locate a reliable / affordable source feel free to hit me up.
  • Gabapentin 600-800mg pills. An RX is nice plus these are non-narcotic so most docs will have no problem giving these to you but again if you need help hit me up
  • Loperamide Pills - These are OTC and can be bought at Wal-mart 200 2mg pills for $10 & Kratom Capsules - Kratom is not necessary but can be used as an alternative / substitute for the Loperamide as the less loperamide you consume the better. 

  Now that we have managed to obtain these 3-4 meds, Two of which are Prescriptions meaning that if you have good insurance or live in a liberal state like Washington where expanded Medicaid pays for RX for those who cant afford them. So hopefully for Suboxone and Gabapentin are free for you. I get 60 Suboxone strips and 180 600mg Gabapentin each month at no cost to me.
  So my first step is to liquidate 30 or half of my sub strips which depending on prices should net you $200+ dollars. Take the remaining 30 strips and stick them away somewhere safe as you will need these. Take your $200+ and buy yourself 2 bottles of the 200 ct loperamide from Wal-mart and then with the rest of your cash buy Heroin or pills or whichever opiate is cheapest and most enjoyable for you.
  At this point just have fun and use your drug of choice responsibly. I like to use heroin but I only smoke it or soup it and administer it anally as I hate needles but regardless be careful because if your dead this pain free opiate habit will not workout.
  OK so you've spent your cash on drugs and had a good time using them but now your out of H and worried about going through withdrawals. Don't worry though as you still have an 8mg sub srip you can take each day to stay well but knowing us addicts like I do I know your going to be tempted to sell more sub strips than just half and especially when the heroin runs out. This is alright, you can sell another 15 strips as long as you hang onto min 15 8mg strips for yourself.
  The real key and trick to my pain free addiction method is that about a week before it's time to refill your suboxone prescription you'll want to switch from suboxone or subutex to loperamide + gabapentin to stay withdrawal free while also allowing your body to get rid of the nalaxone while also allowing your tolerance to reset so when you get H again your not having to use more than necessary.
  A dose of 20-60 loperamide pills will completely stop you from experiencing any opiate withdrawals but it's also bad for your health and can lead to some serious fucking constipation which is why I recommend drinking lots of water and eating lots of fiber when your taking loperamide. Gabapentin can help to actually make you feel good and give you energy while your at the loperamide phase of this routine. The first day you take loperamide follow it with 1200mg of gabapentin in the evening then the next day bumb up to 1800mg gabapentin followed by 2100mg on the third day but after day three you'll need to stop taking the gabapentin for 3-4 days as tolerance builds super fast.
  You don't have to follow my instructions exactly but there are a few rules to this system that you want to mind as not to have any bad reactions.
Rule #1 Never put methadone into this system as it takes 72 hours to pass before you can take a suboxone without going directly into precipitated withdrawal.
Rule #2 always allow 2-3 days between taking suboxone and using heroin or your opiate of choice as to not waste good Heroin / Pain pills.
and some advice that you shouldn't take as it may be illegal (but taking it lessens your legal exposure if your set on being a criminal regardless) Find a single person who wants to get all 30 of your subs at once as the fewer people you have to have illegal dealings with the better.

  So that is it! My guide to pain/withdrawal free Heroin addiction. Please let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to hit me up on twitter @gh0stag3ntX

dependencebuprenorphinerelapsemedicationaddictiveprescriptionoxycontincravingoverdosesuboxonesubstancephysical dependencesymptoms of withdrawalnauseanarcoticsanxietydetoxificationvomitingopioid withdrawaldrug usewithdrawal syndrome

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Loperamide (Opiate) Withdrawal Cure

Loperamide Withdrawal Cure

Loperamide Withdrawal Cure

Never again suffer through Unnecessary Opiate Withdrawals!!

  Let me just start by saying that I have personally struggled with opiate addiction for over 10+ years now. Everything I include in this blog will be from my own past attempts to survive opiate withdrawals. I am not a doctor and will take no personal responsibility for any harm that may result from people recreating my experiments and methods. That being said let's get right into how to use Loperamide (Imodium) and other OTC items to completely chase away those terrible opiate withdrawals.

  Now as some of you may or may not know Loperamide is an opioid-receptor agonist and acts on the μ-opioid receptors in the myenteric plexus of the large intestine; the problem is however that by itself it does not affect the central nervous system because it is unable to cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). To fix this problem you will need the following items.

1. Loperamide (Obviously) 
72ct - 2mg generic lope tablets cost $4.98 at my Wal-mart

2. Cimetidine 200ct - generic(
Tagamet) 200mg  is $7.12 at wal-mart as well 

3. Jug of grapefruit juice which is about $4.00 (Not from Concentrate) I like to use "Simply" Grapefruit Juice.

4. Tonic Water (This is Optional) 

  Now the reason that we need the Tagamet (Cimetidine), Grapefruit Juice and Tonic water is all to help the Loperamide cross the BBB. Many people, including doctors and pharmacists, don't believe that loperamide can cross the BBB but In fact, loperamide does cross this barrier, although it is immediately pumped back out into non–central nervous system (CNS) circulation by P-glycoprotein. This is where our extra shopping comes in handy. Both Cimetidine and grapefruit juice (also Tonic Water to a much lesser degree) are known to inhibit P-glycoprotein and may thus render the CNS vulnerable to opiate agonism. ( Or in laymen's terms it let's the stuff get absorbed into your brain where you desperately need it) The tonic water is optional because as it does contain quinine, which would be a very useful P-glycoprotein inhibitor, the amount that it contains has been greatly reduced by the FDA. You can use it to make a sparkling drink with your grapefruit juice if you like though.

 Now that we have the science and the shopping list done we can move on to putting this all to use. 

Step 1 - T
ake 600mg-1g of Cimetidine and wait for 30 mins - 1 hr

Step 2 - Take 20-60 mg of loperamide ( This will very depending on how heavy an opiate user you are, a very light user may be able to take only 10mg of loperamide, while a heavy user might have to take up to 100mg. For a general dose I'd say take 30mg and see how it does for you then increase or decrease the dose as needed.)

Step 3 - Use your Grapefruit juice / Tonic water to wash down your Loperamide. 

  For myself this method will keep away opiate withdrawals for up to 12 hrs with one dose. The price this all works out to is about $20 for three days of living without withdrawals, which is a bargain believe me.


dependencebuprenorphinerelapsemedicationaddictiveprescriptionoxycontincravingoverdosesuboxonesubstancephysical dependencesymptoms of withdrawalnauseanarcoticsanxietydetoxificationvomitingopioid withdrawaldrug usewithdrawal syndrome

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